Sunday, July 12, 2009

Time for a new direction for our planet

Humans must to unite to create a paradigm shift for the planet!

Current conditions on our planet quite succinctly speaking are an abomination. All life on earth is in peril of extinction in the next 30-Years and our leaders are being managed by the very people that created these conditions. The economy in the US and indeed around the world is in a depression and not one of our leaders has a clue as to how to fix this problem.

The answer is right in front of our eyes but the lobbyists for the energy companies are selling snake oil and denying that there is a simple solution to these issues solely for the purposes of control and greed. Do you wonder why? Americans are paying $9.675 Billion Dollars daily for energy and fuel! That is our disposable income going to the energy companies, oil & gas companies, commodities brokers, the government and OPEC!

It is time for a true change that will put an end to these problems and create a sustained growth green economy and create millions of jobs at home and abroad.

While you are on my Blog, please check out some of the articles listed below describing what is truly going on with our planet and our world governments.

Phil Haxton

Technology Market Benefits Call to Action

Technology - Market – Benefits - Call to Action

The base technology is simple electrolysis (Invented in 1800) which breaks apart the two Hydrogen molecules from the Oxygen molecule and results in the production of HHO gas. HHO gas is a highly explosive and powerful fuel. The combustion of Hydrogen produces twice the “Specific Impulse” of commonly available petroleum (Carbon based) fuels. “Specific Impulse” relates to the amount of change in momentum produced for a given quantity of fuel combusted.

There are numerous individuals across the country (including myself) that are producing “HHO Hybrid Conversion Kits” for use on existing internal combustion engines to improve fuel mileage, lower emissions and lower the cost of operation of vehicles. While this is a good thing to do in the interim it does not get us completely off of Carbon based fuels.

The first engine that I have designed is a micro axial flow turbine engine which will operate solely on HHO gas. It is a very small and light weight engine (five pounds or so) and it produces a supersonic thrust that can be directed at another set of turbine blades for powering propeller driven general aviation aircraft, business and commercial aviation turbine powered aircraft. This creates jobs and economic growth in each of these markets!

For large commercial or corporate aircraft employing axial flow turbine engines operating on jet fuel, the existing “Hot Section” where the combustion of the jet fuel occurs can be eliminated and several of the engines I have designed can be directed at the existing turbine blades of the larger engine to cause rotation and operation of the entire engine.

Because the size and mass of the engine that I have designed, there is no requirement for a starter. Rotation will begin immediately upon combustion of the HHO gas. The engine will rapidly spin up to its full rated thrust and operate continuously at that full rated thrust. Since consumption of the Demineralized water to produce the HHO gas is 2 – 3 ounces of water per hour, (2 ounces in the average HHO Hybrid Kit) the engine will operate for several hours on a single gallon of water (64 Oz/Gal). This provides unprecedented fuel economy! Basically, fuel mileage determinations are calculated on the average velocity of the vehicle over a given amount of time divided by the total amount of water consumed.

The most important aspect of these engines is that they produces no Carbon Dioxide or pollutants and any un-burned Hydro-Carbons passing through the engines are consumed. You can say that these engines steam cleans the air as they operate. When HHO gas is combusted it results in producing water vapor.

Update (August 9, 2009): Just this past week I woke up to a realization that there was an even simpler way to provide mechanical power via an output shaft to perform mechanical work. As a result of this realization I have an even simpler design for a new internal combustion engine that can power any automotive type of vehicle. Now there is a second version of engine that operates solely on HHO gas and the development costs and time to produce a working production model of this engine is approximately 30-days! It may also be used to power Electrical generators, water pumps, fans, garden equipment, farm machinery, lift trucks, boom trucks, hydraulic pumps; heavy equipment such as bulldozers, shovels, backhoes, graders, cranes, etc. It has three moving parts!

Technical Overviews & Market Analysis:

Saltwater Desalination/Cogeneration Facilities:
(Our source of fuel & fresh water)

Here are the facts that I know to be true: We could never ever exhaust the supply of saltwater from our oceans. The technology to harvest saltwater and produce clean drinking water and Demineralized water for fuel is well known and in current operation around the world. It takes a tremendous amount of Electrical energy to do this. But the cost of that Electrical energy can be reduced by 99.9999% by using an insignificant amount of the Demineralized water already produced at a facility to power axial flow turbine engine generators to operate the facilities.

Benefits to Commercial Aviation Industry:

“In 2007, the cost of jet fuel, while highly variable from one airline to another averaged 26.5% of total operating costs, making it the single largest operating expense for most airlines.” 1. Source: Wickipedia:

Airlines can return to stable growth & profitability through the savings in fuel costs and the associated weight reductions caused by carrying less fuel to travel greater distances.

Aircraft and engine manufacturers will have a growth market demand to meet. Converting existing aircraft to operate with the engines requires modification of the fuel systems as well as the engines, controls and instrumentation packages. (More jobs creation.) Greater useful payload and safety of flight operations leads to more traffic growth. The fact that no flammable fuel is carried on the aircraft improves survivability in an accident. Moreover, as these aircraft operate, no negative environmental emissions occur!

Automotive Market:

The sheer size of the global automotive/truck market will create the opportunity to employ millions of people around the planet. The auto manufacturers would have two distinct markets to exploit; production of new vehicles using the engine and kits to retrofit the existing vehicle market. The retrofit market will create millions of opportunities for new small businesses to service the needs of businesses & consumers.

For a typical engine retrofit application, the existing engine including starter, fuel tank, fuel lines, radiator and exhaust system will be removed. Existing wiring & sensors no longer required would also be removed. Unused oil & fuel in the tank and radiator fluid would be removed as well. Each of the items described above is a candidate for recycling. Disassembly of the engine components and separation of the various metals & plastics can be accomplished by anyone with ordinary mechanical skills and tools. A thriving recycling business could be created servicing various shops and garages where retrofits are taking place.

Installation of the turbine engine into a typical car will lower the empty weight of the vehicle by two to three hundred pounds. This of course translates to even greater fuel savings on top of what will be realized by using water to produce HHO gas. The lighter weight also reduces tire wear and brake pad wear.

One final comment: Is a “Jetsons’ Vehicle” possible with the axial flow turbine engine? I believe that it is inevitable!

Economic Benefits:

• Consumers keep more disposable income in their pocket due to greater fuel economy.
• The technology creates opportunities for new business creation to retrofit existing cars, trucks, SUV’s, and fleet vehicles.
• Recycling of unused fuel, coolant, radiators, engines, exhaust, tanks and wiring.
• Construction of cogeneration facilities creates jobs in plant design & engineering, management, administration, clerical, construction trade workers, materials suppliers and permanent positions to operate the facilities once construction is complete.
• Organization members share in the profits generated by the desalination/cogeneration plants based on the amount of savings they keep in the organizations’ fund. In other words, we own our own supplies of fuel and water.
• Manufacturing jobs to meet the market demand for new vehicles and to produce the engines to meet the retrofit market will add management, administrative, clerical, sales, technical support, production workers, vendors and component suppliers in large numbers.
• Manufacturing jobs will also be required to produce the controllers and sensors for the engines. Positions will include engineers, programmers, management, administrative, clerical, sales, technical support, production personnel, logistics and shipping.
• Organization members earn a portion of the royalty on every engine and its associated controller sold.
• Organization members earn a portion of the manufacturing licenses to produce both the engines and its’ associated controller.
• Organization jobs in providing member support services will be plentiful. We’ll need management & strategic planning, legal, financial, accounting, administrative, clerical, member services, information technology engineers, Website update & maintenance, vendor liaisons, facilities maintenance, operations management, interpreters, political lobbyists, national & international government relations, communications, construction management, training personnel, program services management and providers.

The Market:

Ask yourself this question: “If I had the choice between the following 3 options, which would I choose?”

Option 1: Purchase a vehicle that operates on fuel that pollutes our atmosphere and has highly volatile fuel pricing and results in sending several hundred billion dollars a year to countries that really do not like us.

Option 2: Purchase a new vehicle that operates on water that does not pollute our atmosphere and has a stable fuel price and results in personal earnings for me on every gallon sold and a royalty fee for every engine and controller sold world wide.

Option 3: Purchase a kit to retrofit to my current vehicle that operates on water that does not pollute our atmosphere and has a stable fuel price and results in personal earnings for me on every gallon sold and a royalty fee for every engine and controller sold world wide.

I am willing to bet that you chose option 2 or 3 and that every consumer on our planet would make one of those two choices. This creates the market and in order for a manufacturer to get a share of the market, they must agree to build our engine and pay the manufacturing license fees & the royalties to our organization. If they refused, we could fund our own company to meet the market!

Does that appeal to you? Does it mean that we have control? The answer is obvious. And how do we get control? Unite as one! It is truly a simple choice and we can create a world that is to our benefit and insure our right to be free self-determined humans. Remember, there are 6.7 Billion of us and all we have to do is make a choice to participate and be active in the organization. We are the “Big Dog” and their control, corruption & desecration of our planet is over when we say it is.

Is NOW the time to take action?

Everything I have written here is true. Now it is up to you to make a conscious choice: Do you want to make a difference in the world by assisting me in saving our planet? Do you believe like I do that the world is worth saving? Is the course that we are currently on what we truly wish to leave as our legacy to our children and the generations to come?

Will you make a donation to help achieve these goals?

Will you join with us in making this a reality by joining the organization?

Thank you and God Bless you for your thoughtful consideration!

Hydrogen Fuel from Water Now
An organization open to all humans to thrive & prosper in!

Please Mail your donation to:
Phil Haxton
Visionary, Inventor
441 Helens Drive
Dawsonville, Georgia 30534
(Money orders or Western Union only)
(If you use Western Union, please E-Mail me to let me know what to expect.)

If you have questions or suggestions about the Vision and Plan, please feel free to E-Mail me and I will respond!