Sunday, July 12, 2009

Time for a new direction for our planet

Humans must to unite to create a paradigm shift for the planet!

Current conditions on our planet quite succinctly speaking are an abomination. All life on earth is in peril of extinction in the next 30-Years and our leaders are being managed by the very people that created these conditions. The economy in the US and indeed around the world is in a depression and not one of our leaders has a clue as to how to fix this problem.

The answer is right in front of our eyes but the lobbyists for the energy companies are selling snake oil and denying that there is a simple solution to these issues solely for the purposes of control and greed. Do you wonder why? Americans are paying $9.675 Billion Dollars daily for energy and fuel! That is our disposable income going to the energy companies, oil & gas companies, commodities brokers, the government and OPEC!

It is time for a true change that will put an end to these problems and create a sustained growth green economy and create millions of jobs at home and abroad.

While you are on my Blog, please check out some of the articles listed below describing what is truly going on with our planet and our world governments.

Phil Haxton

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